Palletizer Specifications
The PalletizUR details below are based on a standard shipped unit. Additional safety devices and guarding can be added if your application requires.
Machine Details
- Lifter travel: 27.375" (robot specific)
- Mobility: fork pockets for pallet jack or forklift
- HMI specs: 12.1” touchscreen
- Pallet sensors: photoeyes for pallet presence
- Power: single phase, 115 VAC, 15 amps
- Air consumption: 80 psi / 2.5 cfm
Cycle Time
- 4-7+ picks per minute*
*Multipick end-effectors available for increased output rate

Pallet Dimensions
- Max pallet height: 96"+ (application specific)
- Max pallet width: 48”
- Max pallet depth: 42”
- Min box size: weight dependent
- Max box weight: 60 lbs (+/- tooling weight)
- Max box size: weight dependent
Standard Safety
The PalletizUR runs collaboratively out of the crate with no additional safety required.

Additional Safety
Area Scanners*
Slows robot if someone is in work area
Hard Guarding*
Complete guarding for work-cell
*Available for additional cost